Started raining last night around 8 and rained all night. When the thunder started Mia flew out of the chair she has been sleeping in to the bed without ever touching the floor. Weather is expected to be like this for a few more days.
Due to the weather and my boredom I updated all my Homeland Security info purchased my 2012 "Cruising" sticker and checked on the status of my 2012 Coast Guard registration document. Got to thinking that when we re-enter U.S. waters I really wonder if My Peace will be able to pass a Coast Guard safety inspection with the law changes and expiration dates on some of the safety equipment.
This afternoon we are heading to Vista Rio for dinner, our friends Jay and Jerr took over managing it the first part on the year. Today’s special is supposed to be “pulled pork”, I’m waiting to see what it taste like, it will surprise me if it can match the pulled pork at the Pig on Beal Street in Memphis.
Where you at now? JohnO